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All Rules in Traits of a Plane

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Realm Traits

Source Planar Adventures pg. 59
Planes come in a variety of sizes and shapes. Many planes are so large that they may as well be infinite in size, while others (particularly in the case of demiplanes) can be quite small. Regardless of a plane’s size and shape, it conforms to one of three realm traits.


A plane with this trait has defined edges or borders. These borders may adjoin other planes or may be hard, finite borders such as the edge of the world or a great wall. Demiplanes are often finite.


Planes with this trait might seem to go on forever, and indeed many are so vast that, for all practical purposes, their size is infinite. The Material Plane consists of the entire universe—an expanse so truly vast in scope that it is close enough to being immeasurable to qualify for this trait. Similarly, while the Outer Sphere has a static size, it is so unimaginably vast that it cannot be measured or traversed without powerful magic.


On planes with this trait, the borders wrap in on themselves, depositing a traveler who voyages too far onto the other side of the map. Unbounded planes can be spheres, cubes, tori, or flat expanses with magical edges that teleport the traveler to the opposite edge when she crosses them.